Hello, everyone.
It’s been a while, so there are a couple things to catch up on.
First, the Kickstarter for Birds of a Feather finished unsuccessfully, but this is just a minor setback. I’m going to use this extra time to add some extra polish to the book and really make it fantastic. There will be a redo campaign early next year, probably in April or May. I’ll talk about that more as we get closer to that date.
Secondly, I’ve been trying to do a local meet up of comic creators. We’re going to try a later meeting time this month for those that work a 9-5. If you’re in Humboldt County, CA, come hang out with local comic artists and chill. Everyone welcome. Time and date below:
Wednesday, November 16th, 6pm-8pm. Humboldt County Library 1313 3rd Street, Eureka, CA

That’s it for today. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting the comic! I’ll talk to you next time.