Pacifica: Birds of a Feather Kickstarter Launches Oct 5th!

The Pacifica: Birds of a Feather Kickstarter will launch on Oct 5th! Follow along to get reminded on launch day!

Pacifica: Birds of a Feather is the second book in the Pacifica fantasy adventure series. It is a comic inspired by the environments and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest with fairy tale aspects and an 1800s feel. The misty redwood forests of Humboldt County have a fairy tale atmosphere to them and that feeling is something I hope to share through the comic. In a nutshell, the comic is about mountain men, monsters, and magic.

Birds of a Feather introduces two new characters: Gale & Zephyr. The two jay folk siblings happen upon an unconscious young man in the forest while traveling. Who is this young man and should they help him? Zeph and Gale have differing opinions from the start. Join them on the journey as they debate a course of action and learn more about the young human.

Although the book is a continuation of Finding a Path it is designed with new readers in mind, so you do not need to read the first volume. (But it is available should you want it.)

Pacifica is intended to be a premium comic. The book will be magazine sized (8.5”x11”), full colored, and 28 pages. The cover will be 130# stock and interior pages will be 80#. This will be a special Kickstarter edition that will contain bonus content for this run only. The expected run is 300 books and once they are gone so is the bonus content.

Thanks for reading, I look forward to sending you a copy of this newest book!